Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Microphone Preamp - Black Mic/Instrument Preamp with Variable Character, 71dB of Gain, Cinemag Transformers, Discrete Op-amp Section, Selectable Capacitors, Variable Impedance, and Highpass Filter - Black

  • Brand: Warm Audio
  • SKU: WA 003
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Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Microphone Preamp - Black

Mic/Instrument Preamp with Variable Character, 71dB of Gain, Cinemag Transformers, Discrete Op-amp Section, Selectable Capacitors, Variable Impedance, and Highpass Filter - Black

Tweaking the Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Preamp is addictive , we can't get enough of it! Based on the API 312 preamp's design and sporting premium Cinemag transformers, the Tone Beast is already a stellar mic pre. The Tone Beast's real magic, however, lies in its multiple discrete signal paths. With the flip of a switch, you can select different transformers, op-amps, and capacitors, and enjoy a myriad of tones in the process. Push the Tone Beast and enjoy the harmonic distortion it lends to electric guitars, bass, or anything else that needs some grit. Big, bold, and fully-professional, you won't find many preamps like the Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast for under a grand!

Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Microphone Preamp Features:

  • Discrete 312 preamp design with Cinemag transformers delivers stellar tone
  • Choice of Melcor or Jensen op-amps for varying character
  • Op-amps are socketed/swappable — add your own op-amps to the mix!
  • Choice of steel or nickel output transformers provide more tonal options
  • Choice of tantalum or electrolytic capacitors for even more character variation
  • Transformer bypass switch provides an ultra-clean character
  • Tone switch allows for variable mic impedance
  • 80Hz highpass filter cuts the mud and rumble
  • 20dB pad tames really loud sources
  • Output attenuation for saturation flexibility of both op-amps and transformers
  • Insert allows the use of inline processors
  • LED VU meter lets you monitor your levels