The X1 S Vocal Pack All the essentials for the start of a great recording chain, including sE's simple but highly effective metal pop shield. Contains: X1 S microphone sE Isolation Pack (with pop shield) 3-meter mic cable
If you're recording in a non-acoustically-treated space (bedrooms, closets, etc.), a Reflexion Filter® helps keep your signal clean without the sound of your room around it The X1 S Studio Bundle has everything from the Vocal Pack (below), plus our simple and effective RF-X so you can record anywhere you want.
If you're recording in a non-acoustically-treated space (bedrooms, closets, etc.), a Reflexion Filter® helps keep your signal clean without the sound of your room around it
If you already have drum overheads, sE Electronics’ V Pack Venue supplies the rest of the microphones you need to mic up your drum kit and make it sound great. You get one V Kick dynamic bass drum mic, two V Beat dynamic tom mics with V Clamps, and one V7 X supercardioid dynamic instrument mic for snare. All the mics and accessories come in a roadworthy plastic flight case that has empty berths for your favorite hi-hat and overhead mics. Put sE Electronics’ V Pack Venue to work at your next live gig or recording session — you’ll be a believer
sE Electronics’ V Pack Club gives you all the microphones you need to mic up a drum kit and make it sound great. You get one V Kick dynamic bass drum mic, two V Beat dynamic tom mics with V Clamps, one V7 X supercardioid dynamic instrument mic for snare, and a pair of sE7 small-diaphragm condenser mics for overheads. All the mics and accessories come in a roadworthy plastic flight case that has an empty berth for your favorite hi-hat mic.
sE Electronics V Pack Arena Drum Microphone Package sE Electronics Drum Mic Bundle with 1 V Kick Dynamic Mic, 3 V Beat Dynamics, 3 V Clamps, 1 V7 X Supercardioid Dynamic, and 2 sE8 Condenser Mics